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Vedic Astrology
Understanding Your Purpose
Find grounding reflecting on the cosmos
Have you ever wondered what the Universe holds for you or felt a sense of repeating hard lessons? Jyotish, the sister science to Yoga and Ayurveda, can help unravel some of these mysteries; clarifying the focus for your current planetary cycle (dasha) and explaining why some periods have felt more challenging than others.
Jyotish natal chart readings delve into the energies and mental patterns that make you who you are, provide insight into why we may behave a certain way and help us move from reaction to calm action as we face our future.
What to expect
A Jyotish natal chart reading will typically take 2 hours and is performed online. Each session will be recorded for you to review and refer to later.
Detailed birth data must be supplied in advance.
While Jyotish cannot supply you with yes/no answers to questions about your future and is not fortune telling, we will review the major themes of your life and how the current planetary cycles may feel and how you can use these energies in a mature, proactive way.
Each session will highlight:
Major themes in your natal chart, including house and/or planetary clusters
Current planetary cycles
Areas of discomfort with suggestions for healing
2 hr
200 US dollars